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Strategic Plan

We cannot do it alone

The Men’s Talk Strategic Plan 2024-2026 is underpinned by our conviction that community remain at the centre of all we do.

The focus of the strategic plan over the next two years is on establishing a sound framework and foundation on which to build our organisation.

The Men’s Talk plan is built around four strategic pillars, based on a safe and healthy community where everyone feels valued, supported, and can participate. Fundamental to the plan is that it has been built with our staff, volunteers, partners and the broad community who are integral to the success of our service.

Although this plan is for a two year period, there is a clear focus on building a foundation which extends well beyond two years to ensure that we are prepared and responsive to the changing landscape of mental health and our community.
Men’s Talk has been on a journey of growth over the last year and its future success requires a strategic commitment to innovation, enhanced care models and sustainable business practices.

Our four pillars:

Build the mental health literacy and capacity of men.

Actively collaborate with those aligned with our Values.

Reach, engage and motivate our
target communities.

Initiate grassroots conversations through our brand.

Clear steps forward

Our Strategic Priorities are the principle objectives that Mens Talk will achieve over the designated time period.

Men’s Mental Health Literacy and Education

Providing a range of products and services to build the mental health capacity of men and respond to the complexities of gendered help-seeking behaviours.

Community Engagement and Feedback

Designing and implementing appropriate mechanisms to reach, engage with and motivate our target community.

Building Partnerships and Relationships

Collaborating with organisations and individuals that align with our Values and further our Mission.

Promoting Meaningful Conversations

Building our brand and profile in the men’s health ecosystem and leveraging the brand to initiate grassroots conversations.

Our Enablers

Enablers are underpinning foundations and practices that can be leveraged to support the implementation of complaint, sustainable, effective and efficient programs, projects and services in pursuit of
strategic goals.

At some point we have to stop pulling people out of the river and go upstream to find out why they are falling in

Bishop Desmond Tutu

A message from our President

Something about the system is clearly not working. At Mens Talk, we are trying to do something different.

I was born and raised in the farming community of Narrogin, 200km from Perth, and have always been passionate about grassroots sport. I believe sport is a powerful force in bringing communities together, particularly for men. However, many men still struggle to find the support they need in today’s connected yet isolating world. The rising suicide rates, especially among men, indicate that something in the system isn’t working. At Men’s Talk, we’re striving to change that by uniting various mental health charities and groups to break down silos and collaborate. Mental health requires constant focus and attention, and by working together, we can better support those who need it. To my fellow Board Members, Charlie, Sandie, Pete, Neil, and Vince, thank you for your dedication. With your support, we are excited to see the impact we can make and how many lives we can save.

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